Taylor Flowers


Industrial Engineering


Glenview, IL

Other extracurricular activities:

  • Engineering Learning Assistant (ELA)
  • Promoting Undergraduate Research in Engineering (PURE)
  • Phi Mu

Research/Internship/Co-op experience:

  • Procter & Gamble
    Data Science & Project Management Intern

Why Illinois?

I chose Illinois because of the beautiful campus, fun social life, and amazing academic opportunities.

What has been your best experience at Illinois?

My best experience has been meeting so many wonderful people and working on fascinating projects.

Favorite part about being an engineering student?

My favorite part about being an engineering student is learning different ways to problem-solve.

Why did you join EA?

I joined EA because I wanted to help encourage young students to pursue engineering. I think that when students learn about the diverse and profound impacts different engineers can make, they will find engineering to be a more enticing field of study.

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a STEM degree?

First, find a STEM field/career path that you are passionate about. There are times when pursuing a STEM degree can be demanding, so having a genuine interest in your major and knowing that your major can help you reach your professional goals is important. Then whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.

What do you plan on doing post-graduation?

I'm planning to work in industry after graduation and consider pursuing a more advanced degree after some time.