Kevin Lyvers


Electrical Engineering



Orland Park, IL

Executive Positions:
  • Off-Campus Executive
    (Fall 2021 - Spring 2023)

Other extracurricular activities:

  • Marching Illini
  • Illini Percussion Ensemble
  • UIUC tour guide
  • Tetris Club

Why Illinois?

I choose Illinois for no strong reason. I had to make a decision and I decide here at the last moment, but I'm greatly I chose here everyday.

What has been your best experience at Illinois?

The amazing spring weather right after midterm season when everything is just calm and beautiful.

Favorite part about being an engineering student?

Majoring in what I love.

Why did you join EA?

I wanted to get involved in an engineering extra-circular and wanted to combine my love for engineering and teaching.

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a STEM degree?

Just go for it! You don't have to be perfect, but you do have to start.

What do you plan on doing post-graduation?

Figure out what to do after graduating