Neva Manalil


Computer Engineering


Naperville, IL

Executive Positions:
  • Technical Exec.
    (SPRING 2020)

Other extracurricular activities:

  • Illini Solar Car

Research/Internship/Co-op experience:

  • Healthcare Engineering Systems Center
    Virtual and Augmented Reality Intern
    (SUMMER 2019 - SPRING 2020)
  • Mellon Research Group
    Web Developer
    (SUMMER 2019)

Why Illinois?

The program here is known to be great. I liked how there are so many opportunities here to explore from reserach to learning about new technology. The university is also close enough to home that I can go back whenever I want but also far away enough grow as a person on my own away from my hometown.

What has been your best experience at Illinois?

Freshmen year I participated in a design competition with my friends. We were the only freshmen competing against mostly seniors and grad students and consequently had to work a lot and pull an all nighter to keep up. While it was so much work, working with my friends on a project was a lot of fun and we even ended up winning a prize!

Favorite part about being an engineering student?

That I don't have to look very far to see people making and building new cool things. I am surrounded by people who are working on a making real things that we might someday use. And that if I have a idea I want to bring to life, I have all the resources at my disposal to do so. Despite being just a student, I can already start creating things that can have an impact on the world.

Why did you join EA?

I am a fairly quiet and introverted person and wanted to do something outside of my comfort zone in terms of speaking in front of people. As an added bonus, I already enjoy teach STEM topics to kids so joining EA seemed like the logical choice.

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a STEM degree?

Don't compare youself to other people. Everyone learns differently and at different rates. Hard work really pays off and if you're passionate about your field you will succeed.

What do you plan on doing post-graduation?

I plan on going into industry doing software engineering or VR/AR related things.